Finnish pop-metal outfit Segmentia is a fireworks display of several music styles based on heavy and pop-influenced sounds. Jere, drummer and main songwriter of Segmentia drew the short straw and filled in the blanks on our introduction to Segmentia.
What are the origins of Segmentia, how long have you been playing together?
We started as a cover band around 2012, but at some point, I started to think that I would like to make my own music again after a few year’s break. 2019 Segmentia made its first EP release and here we are!
What should people expect when they check the band out? How would you describe Segmentia?
We describe our music as Pop Metal from the North. That means that we are mixing pop music structures with electric and symphonic elements to metal music. Our songs tell stories of ordinary people’s lives, carrying feelings of melancholy and hope in them.
How did you feel performing your first gig as a band, and how was it?!
First gig of Segmentia was at a local place called Bar 15, a small legendary basement rock bar. It was super fun!
The new music scene is bursting at the seams at the minute with fresh talent, in what ways do you feel that a band has to stand out to build a name for themselves?
Honesty is always a good thing. I mean that you should do the music that you really want to do. Art made for others than yourself might not resonate that strongly. And if you didn’t express your true self in your art, what is the point then, I think. Everyone is their unique self. There is no other version of the true you and that is enough for standing out. Of course, one has to work super hard to start to stand out, haha!
What are you working on at the minute that people can check out?
At the moment we are rehearsing for our live shows in Finland but we also produce new music all the time. We released our second EP called Alone just over a month ago. People can listen to that on any major streaming platform and check our YouTube channel while waiting for our new stuff.
In terms of a similar audience, which band out there at the minute do you feel you would be best suited to open for?
This is a hard one. I don’t know if Segmentia is suited for opening up for Amorphis, but that is an opening slot that I dream of!
Excluding yourself, which new band would you like to see break out and become a success?
I haven’t recently found any new bands that I fell in love with, but there are plenty of small artists that are not new, but still waiting for the big success that they deserve! I think that The Blanko, a Finnish alt-rock band, is a super awesome band and they would deserve a LOT more attention.
What are your own first musical memories? And what was the lightbulb moment that made you go “I want to do that”?
As a child a played accordion and piano. At the age of 13, I got my first drum set and that was it! I wanted to compose and play metal – and play HARD! That was exactly what I did.
What was the last gig that you attended as a fan?
A Battle Beast live show, it is a Finnish metal band. Check them out!!
What current social issues are you particularly passionate about?
Lately, I have been worried about animals and nature. My family includes a dog, two cats, and a share of a horse, so animals are very close to my heart. I hope that one day we can use the power of music for doing good for those pure beings.
The album that you have in your album collection/Spotify playlist that would surprise most people?
Well, even if I make metal for myself, I like rap music! One can find quite a few Finnish rap artists in my playlists. I listen to everything from rap to metal, or from pop to classical music. As long as the song is good, I don’t care about genres.
What does 2023 hold for Segmentia?
Live gigs, composing our debut albums music, and I hope that it also holds happiness, health, and some adventures for us too!
How active are you on social media and where can people connect with you?
One could always be more active! But you can find us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube f.e! We are present on those platforms and more than happily respond to your messages.
Connect with Segmentia here.