Getting to know Italian rockers Monkey Intrusion…
What are the origins of the band, how long have you been playing together?
Vincenzo: “Marco and myself have been playing together since high school. Ten years ago we met Enrico “The Voice” and then three years ago Marco Bertoli on drums joined us. That’s when we realised we were finally ready to do it seriously.”
What should people expect when they check the band out? How would you describe Monkey Intrusion?
Vincenzo: “An original déja vu. People listen to new songs where sketches of musical memories pop up.”
Marco Plesnicar: “I’d say that many different genres come into play trying to convey the emotions we feel and felt at the time of writing..”
Vincenzo: “Eventually there are four decades of music that we are bringing together.. so the musical background of each musician becomes apparent.”
How did you feel performing your first gig as a band, and how was it?!
Marco Bertoli: “Exciting.. we were able to feel the vibes in the air and that was confirmation we were on the right way.”
The new music scene is bursting at the seams at the minute with fresh talent, in what ways do you feel that a band has to stand out to build a name for themselves?
Vincenzo: “Uh.. very difficult question. There are so many great bands out there! To answer your question: great songs, originality, and being authentic. It’s not by chance that the last wave of bands who made rock history was the grunge movement.”
What are you working on at the minute that people can check out?
“The full album should be released this coming autumn.. and that’s something we are really looking forward to!! At the same time we are working on the next batch of songs that sound pretty promising, so much so that we include them in our present gigs!”
In terms of a similar audience, which band out there at the minute do you feel Monkey Intrusion would be best suited to open for?
Marco Plesnicar: “Wow… that’s a tough one! I don’t know given the division in genres and subgenres that present music has developed in.. I just go with my guts and name one of my favourite bands.. Halestorm!”
Excluding yourself, which new band would you like to see break out and become a success?
Marco Plesnicar: “There are so many bands out there that are making awesome music! Since the others chickened out of this question I pick Blockade and Juniper Avenue”
What are your own first musical memories? And what was the lightbulb moment that made you go “I want to do that”?
Marco Bertoli: “It happened the very first moment I took my instrument into my hands.”
Marco Plesnicar: “Well, it was a while ago when I was playing with my former band.. it was the beginning of the project but when we kicked out at the very first rehearsal session I knew that it had to be my way!”
What was the last gig that you attended as a fan?
Vincenzo & Marco Plesnicar:” We were at Rock Am Ring!!”
Marco Bertoli: “Megadeth!”
What current social issue are you particularly passionate about?
Vincenzo: “The same old brutal greediness from hyper-capitalism that is destroying the tiny post-war peace period we all enjoy. Better talk about music…”
The album that you have in your album collection/Spotify playlist that would surprise most people?
Marco Bertoli: “The Witcher 3 Game Soundtrack!! (laughs!)”
Marco Plesnicar: “Steve McQueen, the album of Prefab Sprout!”
There were some amazing new albums released this year, what would be your album of the year?
Vincenzo: “Mammoth II of Mammoth WVH. Wolfgang Van Halen is an amazing artist and gifted multi-instrumentalist who managed to develop his own musical style without falling into the easy trap of being an imitation of his celebrated father.”
What does 2024 hold for you?
“We hope for many gigs and songwriting for the new album!”
Connect with the band, here.