Take two quarts of SOil, one quart of Evanescence and one of The Union Underground fame, blend them together in a heady mix of raw hard rock, and the end result is Into The Fire. SOil bassist, Tim King describes the coming together by simply saying… “I was sitting around with Adam one day talking about who would be great to jam with..I shot Bryan Scott a text message and Into The Fire was born a day later”
The ‘Adam’ in question is Adam Zadel, SOil guitarist. Bryan Scott being the Bryan Scott, vocalist from The Union Underground and Cult To Follow. Once long time friend Will Hunt (Evanescence) was brought in on drums, the line up was complete. Having four band members from three different living, breathing bands, obviously throws up nightmare scenarios when it comes to schedules, but Into The Fire have managed to produce this, their debut EP.
‘EP’ might be a stretch of the imagination, as it’s basically three tracks with two versions of the same song, but what’s on offer is strong enough to warrant further investigation. ‘Spit You Out’ has two different versions included. Track three on the EP being an alternative version of the lead track. There’s a bit of a Stone Temple Pilots vibe during the guitar intro, which continues into Scott’s vocals that he spits out during the chorus… “Then You Take Take Everything You Want Until I Break Break You Want It All, But You’re A Fake Fake Livin’ In Sin. You’re A Cold, Hard Bitch But I Can’t Spit You Out”
He’s not happy with someone, that’s for sure! It rattles along at a fair old lick, and the guitar sound is immense. The alternative version is my preferred of the two. It’s a bit grittier, and has added snarl. ‘From The Medicine’ is the filling in the sandwich. A gentle acoustic intro leads into a classic modern American rock sound. Very now, very American, and very ready made for drivetime radio. A big, big sound that bounces off the walls, especially when Adam Zadel lets fly with his solo mid song. A different vocal from Bryan Scott this time, with the venom turned down a notch, but the end result is equally impressive.