Review: Royal Republic/Dinosaur Pile Up/Bleeker – Thekla, Bristol

I’m a dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dickted to you” as a barbershop quartet, has to be one of the most unique moments any band has ever had in a set. Another of the songs that left me a little unsure on “Weekend Man” was “Kung Fu Loving”, but again, live, it works brilliantly, and set the energy levels back for the other truly stand out sing, dance, jump, and shout along song from the same, “Baby”. Again, the humour in their music, and onstage personas, means that more of the crowd are singing “Cheese nachos baby” rather than the original lyrics. We returned to another classic to finish the set with “Tommy Gun”. By now sweat was literally dripping off the walls of the steel box venue. Quite where oxygen is coming from, was anyone’s guess. A brief moment off stage, and Royal Republic were back with “Here I come, There You Go”, “Follow The Sun”, and “Getting Along”, all off “Weekend Man”. One final crowd-pleaser left to close the show, the simply sublime “Full Steam Space Machine”, with it’s chant-along chorus. At one point, Hannes managed to stop the band mid intro and the crowd spontaneously launched into a chant of “You Fucked Up“, causing the other members to first crack up, then join in, before ripping back into the song with even greater energy. All the way home, I was grinning from ear to ear. There are still a few tickets left for the remaining dates of this tour. Do yourself a favour, and see one of the best bands around right now. One that combines immense musical talent with catchy songwriting and great humour. See them while they are close enough to touch, because it won’t be long before they are playing much bigger venues, and getting the success they so richly deserve. Review and Photography: Rob Wilkins [gallery type='flickr' user_id='132278830@N06' view='photosets' photoset_id='72157674921198405' columns='3' tag_mode='any' sort='date-posted-desc' layout='random' ]]]>

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