Live Review: Savage Messiah – Glasgow

Only in Glasgow would you see Jesus rocking out to a song called ‘Hellblazer’!” The rest of the band are no slouches either, and when after a few moments have passed during Junior’s guitar solo, they all join in on an almighty jam (Christ… how many more biblical references can there be?). Silver takes a moment when introducing ‘Out Of Time’ to mention that they were wanting to try something a little different when recording this one, and worked with Brian Wheat from American rockers Tesla. The common connection between Tesla and Savage Messiah? Melody. The pairing might look a strange one on paper, but Wheat has always had a great ear and knows a tune when he hears one… and ‘Out Of Time’ is a cracker. In a live setting, it has more steel than the studio version, but the great sense of melody is never forsaken for more power and volume. Tonight was a great mix of one band relaunching themselves and another band growing in stature and maturity. Talking of maturity, where’s Jesus? I have an weeping sore that needs looking at? Review: Dave S Images: Dave J [gallery type='flickr' user_id='132278830@N06' view='photosets' photoset_id='72157689921725150' columns='3' tag_mode='any' sort='date-posted-desc' per_page='31' layout='square' caption='title' thumb_size='s' main_size='z' ]]]>

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