Introducing: Shot Down Twice

Hamilton, Ontario-based rockers Shot Down Twice recently released their self-titled, sophomore EP, and powerhouse vocalist Carmen North was standing by to talk us through what to expect when you crank the EP up. Connect with Carmen and Shot Down Twice, below…

Shot Down TwiceWhat are the origins of Shot Down Twice, how long have you been playing together?

It’s been about two years now. Four like-minded metal fans came together and decided to make rock and roll, and now here we are, two EPs later, doing what we set out to do. We replaced one of the founding members with a new one, and we have more of a grasp on our identity now.

What should people expect when they check the band out? How would you describe Shot Down Twice?

I think that we are an extremely loud and powerful band with great, catchy songs. We all seem to have the same goal of being one of those bands where the vocalist AND the players are all characters. We love to lay on the rockstar moves when we play live, and it is ridiculously fun to do. I think that if you love rock and roll, and you’re okay with it being a BIT heavier than the rock you hear on the radio.. we’re the band for you!

How did you feel performing your first gig as a band, and how was it?!

It felt really amazing, considering how long we had to wait to do so. It still feels a bit empty now, with the Covid restrictions, but it was so nice to finally showcase what we had worked on for so long.

The new music scene is bursting at the seams at the minute with fresh talent, in what ways do you feel that a band has to stand out to build a name for themselves?

I think that there are so many different ways to go about it, and there are so many pieces of advice that are more helpful to some than others. What works for us is: we all practice our craft a LOT, we treat our band much like a business, and I think that we are just fortunate to have lots of awesome, creative ideas between the four of us.

What are you working on at the minute that people can check out?

We just released a second EP – it’s self-titled and there are six new songs. I’m insanely proud of it. I cranked it in the car and it just sounded phenomenal in my ears. The man who recorded the EP, Mr. Tyler Williams of Monolithic Productions, did an absolutely beautiful job. The album goes in many directions and I’m insanely proud of it.

In terms of a similar audience, which band out there at the minute do you feel you would be best suited to open for?

I have heard people compare us to Halestorm a bunch of times, and I agree. I think we would be great with them. My number one dream is to open for The Darkness. We would be absolutely perfect for them. I’m making that my goal!

Excluding yourself! which new band would you like to see break out and become a success?

I would love to see Ellis in Transit break out and become a success. They are a band that we are lucky to have on our CD release party bill. They are just a solid rock and roll band and their singer has an incredible voice.

What are your own first musical memories? And what was the lightbulb moment that made you go “I want to do that”?

A lot of those moments occurred while watching MuchMusic and MTV. I watched those channels constantly as a kid and discovered all of my main favourites. The first metal band I saw live was Slayer when I was 13. That was certainly a spiritual awakening for me. (And I’m not spiritual in the least. Ha!)

What was the last gig that you attended as a fan?

I went to see Revive The Rose at the Phoenix concert centre in Toronto. They opened for My Son the Hurricane. It was a killer show. I had a lovely time. Revive The Rose is playing at our CD release party as well.

What current social issue are you particularly passionate about?

I’m not very political and not very vocal about politics at all. Not because I don’t care, but because I just prefer to stay out of the conversation. However, I lean pretty far to the left, and I would say that I’m the most passionate about the wealth gap, and taxing billionaires.

The album that you have in your album collection/Spotify playlist that would surprise most people?

I am not a big pop music fan at all – however, a small handful of artists just do it for me for some reason. I’m a closet fan of Lady Gaga for sure. I listen to the ArtPop album all the time and I just go insane when it comes on.

Although 2021 was another year to forget, there were some amazing new albums released, what would be your album of last year?

Blood in the Water by Flotsam and Jetsam. Our temp drummer from this year, Fernando Villalobos (seen in our last two music videos) introduced me to this amazing band.

What does 2022 hold for Shot Down Twice?

We want to do a bit of everything. Make new music, new music videos, new live shows, new collaborations, new merch, everything that there is to do, we want to do it. We have already gotten started on a whole bunch of those things.

How active are you on social media and where can people connect with you?

We are active everywhere and everywhere! We post a lot of great content on our social media regularly. Live streams, videos, photos, art, performances, everything. All of our news is available on whichever platform you use the most. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tiktok, Bandcamp, Twitch, Instagram, you name it.
Just search @shotdowntwice on any platform and you’ll find us.

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