Courtesans Announce New EP
Following the release of their acclaimed debut album ‘1917’ and last year’s successful Pledge Music campaign, this coming March sees the release of Courtesans stunning new E.P. ‘Better Safe Than Sober’. Blending dark pop smarts with industrial subtleties and combined with a grunge-esque rock, trip-hop landscape; Courtesans new E.P. is one of the first unique sonic amalgamations to be heard in 2017.
Hailing from London, England, the four members of Courtesans come together as one to deliver songs that shake up establishments, break down walls and fearlessly dare to be different amongst a plethora of carbon copy carnage.
Dark meets light, disturbing yet liberating; the five tracks on offer serve to be devoured and are the sound of a group set to soar.
In a world full of bankers, hipsters, fanatics, politicians and keyboard warriors Courtesans are the equivalent of suicidal unicorns on smack, they are the jell
y babies full of boiled bovine bones that children devour joyfully, they are the duck down you sleep on providing comfort that turns into memories of the last minute its original owner was alive.
Their songs might make you feel like a diabetic on thirty doughnuts blended with the bittersweet feelings of a prisoner on death row having his favourite last meal.
Courtesans consist of a bi polar unicorn, anxious unicorn, schizophrenic unicorn and major depressive unicorn.
Their music is pop lying on the train tracks.
‘Better Safe Than Sober’ is released Friday 31st March 2017.
Courtesans live:
18th February – London, Electrowerkz
22nd February – Leeds, Lending Room
23rd February – Edinburgh, Bannermans
24th February – Glasgow, Ivory Blacks
25th February – Newcastle, Think Tank
17th March – Southampton, Talking Heads
25th March – Cardiff, The Full Moon
1st April – Manchester, Ruby Lounge
28th April – Brighton, Green Door Store
More dates to be announced.
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