Introducing: Lost Dogs of Ultimo

Paul Field is a Melbourne-based composer/musician/producer/activist creating experimental avant-garde soundtracks under the name Lost Dogs of Ultimo. Connect with Paul below…

What are the origins of Lost Dogs of Ultimo?

Hi, thanks for the opportunity to chat today. Lost Dogs Of Ultimo emerged in 2020 through covid lockdowns here in Melbourne Australia.

How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as a street art and soundtracking artist. It started when I was walking the back streets and laneways of Melbourne taking photos and videos of street art and poster art then editing them with tracks I was recording in my studio as a street soundtracking artist. So I want to perform with the music and a backdrop of the street art visual combined.

How did you feel performing your first gig as a band, and how was it?!

We haven’t performed the show live yet as it is in a developmental stage. It’s quite complex as a digital art performance and sound combination but nearly ready to launch live.

The new music scene is bursting at the seams at the minute with fresh talent, in what ways do you feel that a band has to stand out to build a name for themselves?

I’ve always been attracted to music that is authentic in delivery of a live performance. But still creative in the methods and styles. So play with energy whatever the style and a bit of creativity in the visual part of a show Lights Cameras Action!

What are you working on at the minute that people can check out?

We have all been influenced by bands and artists as we grew up and got attracted to music and song. The theme this year for Lost Dogs Of Ultimo is to record our versions of tracks by bands that inspired us when we were younger. In January we released The MC5s Looking At You and then we released Police and Thieves the Reggae track by Junior Murvin and The Clash.

In terms of a similar audience, which band out there at the minute do you feel you would be best suited to open for?

I would love to open for The Subways, I love the punchy big guitar and the bass playing of Charlotte Cooper blows my mind

Excluding yourself, which new band would you like to see break out and become a success?

Right now Im getting off on Australian band The Stripp, incredible live sound and dynamic guitarist and vocalist. They’ve just released a new album check it out.

What are your own first musical memories? And what was the lightbulb moment that made you go “I want to do that”?

I grew up in the UK and remember seeing Jamaican bands and hearing the punk explosion. My brain loved the rhythm of reggae and the aggression of the lyrics in punk I thought yeah I got this fusion of styles.

What was the last gig that you attended as a fan?

I’m always out seeing live music and taking photos. Melbourne is bursting right now with live music, Dan Sultan an incredible Indigenous artist and musician was the last gig.

What current social issue are you particularly passionate about?

I think we need to respect everybody regardless, but right now Indigenous rights and equality with a voice in all levels of politics would be up there.

The album that you have in your album collection/Spotify playlist that would surprise most people?

Ok, it’s time to kick the closet door open, The Bee Gees Spicks and Specks original vinyl.

What new music have you been enjoying so far this year?

King Stingray released a great album this year and are going to really light it up globally, their live performances are fantastic. I’ve really enjoyed listening to Flip That Groove a sensational funk dance band, the bass player is ripping it up on every track.

What does 2023 hold for Lost Dogs of Ultimo?

2023 is just starting to unwind for us, getting the live show ready to deliver an awesome audio visual show from the Street Art Project. Then back in the studio to record our version of X-Ray Specs Identity as a reggae track. I’m also looking at connecting with other artists to collaborate on more projects. Hit me up if you got ideas!

How active are you on social media and where can people connect with you?

We do have a social media presence but I must confess I’m not the best at engagement. I am improving.





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