Langan, Frost & Wane began life as a project for Brian Langan (Langan) and RJ Gilligan (Frost) to explore the folkier side of their influences, self-confessed “East Coast-based acid folk cassette-rocker and reverb junkie.” Nam Wayne (aka Wane) was suggested by Frost as a possible third wheel, and after a night of songwriting, the duo became a trio.
Weighing in at 15 tracks and approx 46 minutes in length, this is quite an immersive album that gives the same amount of aural pleasure whether the listener decides to tackle it from start to finish in one complete sitting or dip in and out over a few visits. As you might expect from a folk album, there are copious amounts of traditional instruments on display within; bouzouki, mandolin, oud, flute, violin, all feature throughout the album, but it’s the introduction of a harpsichord on the dreamy ‘Frozen Shell’, and a taishōgoto (traditional Japanese stringed instrument) on the trippy-as-hell ‘Orange Magic’ that really makes the album stand-out. Beginning with the atmospheric ‘Perhaps The Sorcerer’ (complete with subtle flute tones from Joanna Doberstein), this is the perfect album to parachute the listener into a blissful world where the white noise of the outside is blocked out by lush vocal harmonies and staggering song-craft (‘The Dandelion’, lead-single ‘King Laughter’, and ‘Alchemist Of Hazy Row’ standing out in particular).
So much on offer, that even those who might consider themselves to be laymen when it comes to folk music, should find plenty to enjoy, and perhaps the album might act as a stepping stone for some to check out where the trio gets their influences from. Such is the influence of the 60’s/70’s Scottish and English folk scene that it comes as a total surprise that Langan, Frost & Wane are in fact American, based out of Philadelphia to be more precise. If you grew up with exposure to the music of The Incredible String Band, Bert Jansch, the flower-power strains of Donovan, and early Jethro Tull, then you will find plenty to enjoy on this, the self-titled debut album from the trio known as Langan, Frost & Wane.
Available now through Goldstar Recordings, more information here.