Deep Talk is the music collaboration between San Francisco singer-songwriter Christina Li and Portland resident Jordan Maslov. With inspiration ranging from Mitski to Charlotte Bronte, Deep Talk’s vulnerable lyrics lay on pulsating and impassioned rhythms. The resulting sound features catchy melodies and an indie rock groove. Connect with Deep Talk; below…
What are the origins of the band, how long have you been playing together?
Christina: My partner and I were passing through Portland in summer 2019 where Jordan, my partner’s friend from college, offered to show off his favorite spots in the city. Food and more importantly music were big themes, and afterward, I sent him a folder with some song ideas. Around then I moved to New Zealand for a job opportunity and was living alone for the first time. I loved it and spent a lot of time writing music with Jordan. We’d build songs together using a shared Soundtrap project. Nowadays we use Splice, which allows shared Logic files. Jordan had a great ear for missing pieces in what I sent and often inspired total rearrangements. I’ve moved back but we still do long-distance songwriting since I now live in San Francisco. It’s always an intense wave of activity when he visits because there’s so much to do – rehearse, record, or play a gig(s), write, take pictures, all that. It’s fun though – I hope we get to tour next year.
What should people expect when they check the band out? How would you describe yourself?
Jordan: Expect anything! We’re really non-restrictive in our songwriting process, so we follow whatever sounds or inspirations are hitting us that day, which is yielding a large variety of styles. That makes it hard to describe ourselves though! We’ve been using some combo of the terms post-punk alt-pop indie rock. We’re somewhere in there, I think.
How did you feel performing your first gig as a band, and how was it?!
Christina: Honestly our first show was pretty epic. It was put on by local non-profit and musician-led Big Leap Collective. The show was at the farm sf, which is an outdoor stage next to an old punk venue (including old posters) and is also, I think, some sort of non-profit? There’s chickens pecking at oysters decomposing for compost, and it’s right next to a nursery. The gig included chickens running around, booths for local artists, and a packed dirt floor of friends and fans.
The new music scene is bursting at the seams at the minute with fresh talent, in what ways do you feel that a band has to stand out to build a name for themselves?
Jordan: It is very difficult and we’re still figuring it out. I believe great bands bring something unique to the table, aside from making great music and great shows.
What are you working on at the minute that people can check out?
Christina: We have a bunch of singles coming out this year, so there’s always something new for people to check out. We just released “Stare,” which is kind of a Weeknd-y, 80s-feeling romantic song. June 17th, “I Drove By” is released and that’s the first of four more punk, distorted songs than what we’ve been doing so far.
In terms of a similar audience, which band out there at the minute do you feel you would be best suited to open for?
Jordan: For this project, I get a lot of inspiration from acts like Wye Oak, Hatchie, Japanese Breakfast, The Beths. Any of them would be amazing.
Excluding yourself, which new band would you like to see break out and become a success?
Jordan: Shell Space is cool!
What are your own first musical memories? And what was the lightbulb moment that made you go “I want to do that”?
Jordan: As a toddler I had a whole alter ego as a rock drummer. I’ve got no idea where that came from. I didn’t really, really get into music until the end of high school. I was a Rock Band addict and that was a big gateway in terms of inspiration and introducing me to so much music.
What was the last gig that you attended as a fan?
Christina: Jordan and I just saw Hatchie at Rickshaw Stop last night! We got salted egg yolk chocolate lava cake right before. She was great. Both her and the opener wore blazers and skirts, which was a cool look.
What current social issue are you particularly passionate about?
Christina: I live right next to Oakland, which is the sec trafficking hub of the US. Young black girls in particular are targeted. MISSSEY (Motivating, Inspiring, and Supporting Sexually Exploited Youth) is a non-profit that is co-creating a world where young girls and gender expansive youth are safe from child sex exploitation. Deep Talk has had 2 shows that benefitted MISSSEY, and I’m also a board member and try to support where I can. MISSSEY is turning 15 this year and is doing a fundraiser soon!
The album that you have in your album collection/Spotify playlist that would surprise most people?
Christina: Bill Wither’s “Just as I Am” album.
Jordan: Big fan of Judas Priest’s Screaming for Vengeance here. Not sure why but some people have been caught off guard by that.
Although 2021 was another year to forget, there were some amazing new albums released, what would be your album of last year? And, what new music have you been enjoying so far this year?
Jordan: 2021: I think #1 has to go to Japanese Breakfast – Jubilee. Been a fan since the first album, and this one did not disappoint after the long wait.
This year, my faves so far include Spoon, Big Thief, Nilufer Yanya, Hatchie, and Warpaint.
What does 2022 hold for Deep Talk?
Christina: Singles and shows! We’re playing three shows this memorial day weekend in San Francisco in Oakland and are hoping to do some Portland shows this year and more San Francisco shows in September. We’re also releasing a new song every month basically – starting with “I Drove By” on June 17th. I’m hoping the songs do well enough we can do a West Coast tour from San Francisco to Seattle next Summer!
How active are you on social media and where can people connect with you?
Jordan: We’re active! You can find us on Instagram @deep_talk_band and TikTok @deeptalkband